for kirston.
Every force evolves a form.
- Mother Ann Lee
Only drama without movement is truly beautiful.
- Simone Weil
Impressions of plants, very small landscapes.
- von der Wense
The light that never was, on sea or land.
- Wordsworth
The sound of a kind of Turkish death march.
- Sebald
Having begun with the shadows, and gone up to whiteness.
- Ruskin
Denn das Glück der Kunst ist ein verbotenes.
- HvH
What seems paradoxical about everything that is justly called beautiful is the fact that it appears.
- Benjamin, Schriften I, 349
And an allegory, when blended in with an everyday landscape, can easily become a hallucination.
- Roberto Calasso
If you think it over carefully, movement is impossible.
- Max Brod, Schloss Nornepygge
Am Ende seines Tagebuchs über Malereiarbeiten, in das er die fürs Malen aufgewendete Zeit auf Stunden und Minuten genau eingetragen hat, steht zuletzt, kurz vor seinem Tod, dreiundzwanzigmal der Satz "An der Ruhe gemalt".
- Sebald über Stifter
History repeats itself, but the special call of an art which has passed away is never reproduced. It is utterly gone out of the world as the song of a destroyed wild bird.
- Joseph Conrad
To see a landscape as it is when I am not there.
- Simone Weil
Klein wie ein Gedankenstrich am Himmel.
- Stifter